Well after reading the EK cross game recruitment thread I just had to check it out
And here I am,
Troggle a
level 12 Burglar on the
ArkenStone server.
For more WoW virtual blog of WoW troggle see
http://troggle.blogspot.com.... :-)

After wow this game is just a complete breath of fresh air, no grinds and so far the only thing is walking longish distances but thats good for farming any way.
But yes I needed something less hardcore as WoW is just too much of a job and cant really be done with just anyone like your RL friends and family because of the new higher skill curve to the end game TBC content so its not really a game any more so I am kinda over it
I loved heriocs (But man the time to get my 26 badges, no thanks) tho but with the epic rewards not being so epic any more, /yawn.
Let alone the joke of a class shaman had become and with people including blizzard telling us to reroll, the total derespect and deletion and banning on the shammy forums as a customer I am not impressed but we will see how long the me and customer part of the equation comes to its fruition at this point I think BG / Arena will be the main things that I will stay for at this point as PVP in LOTRO so far hasn't blown me away yet.
I might come back if shaman where buffed and raiding made
significantly easier but its never gonna happen so yeah ok I'll re-roll but as always all see you and raise you,
I'll Re-Roll on ANOTHER GAME! You #$%#'s! :-P :-).
And what trog post would be incomplete with out some loot shots,
Here is a hand farmed earring I am using

My current duel wield set up.

Here is some shots of me at my youngest that I remember to take a snap,

Just a weeeeee baby NuubsauceCakePie!!!! :-P :-)

It certainly fun being a total scoobly ubly nuublet all over again and as vido stated in kinship chat the game has that "smell of a new car" feel to it.
I must saying the graphics are stunning (tho some of the edges are a little rough here and there but who's really looking?) with a bit of a Oblivion feel to it.
NOTE: the early screen shots I had less gfx options turned on so wont be quite as good as more recent shots.
Level 7 - with a nice rainbow happening there :-)

some houses

Level 11 - chilling by a water fall

level 12 - getting experience in the field! :-P :-)