Above: Level 16 finally, some where in a forest in bree.
Taken a we while as I have been farming a bit, discovered that a mount is going to cost 4g 22s so thats a decent amount of in game cash, but I reckon i'll be over 1g soon, ROFL, at least gold in this game means something.
I really cant stress how stunningly beautiful this game is in parts, sometimes its rough but generally when its a special piece of ingame content / event it looks wicked.

Above: Chapter #01 - Epic story line fellowship quest chain.
As you can see I have started grouping a bit more as you get up in level things get tougher, scored a new head piece from a quest which is off purple quality so thats pretty cool really.

Above: New head piece upgrade, looks a bit naff but its an upgrade, no cat walks for this toon! :-P
It's good to finally get to some of the bad guys as well, my first sighting of a Nazgul!

Above: Monster Portrait of a Nazgul in the game.
Wonder what there loot table is like?

Above: Heres me hanging up with one of the bad guys, I am in diguise hence why he isnt trying to kick my teeth in.
Working the AH is interesting so far, it looks like at this point allot of crafting is item particular and ther's allot of room for farming raw crafting mats to sell or process and then sell at a profit hopefully.
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