Level 15 woot.
Seems to be about a level a day which would mean at this point for the average player getting to 50 would be like 3 months I think.

Certainly seem to be getting defeated / having to retreat allot more frequently now, burglers aren't so good once they get a few adds while fighting and things can get tight.

There is definately an art to questing / leveling which I think I am yet to master though and I am just trying to tie up loose ends all the time which results in allot of running around....
Its o.k. as the game is great to look at, even if you are having to hang out in a swamp!

I have also been tweaking the graphics a wee bit just to see what my card can take and I must say that with althings turned up it does look pretty nice and now I have reached a got comprimise of speed and good looks....

Above: Stealthed in the 'Old Forest' just WE'ish of Bree, yes the image should look blurring as I am using bloom blown out of proportion to give the game a nice dreamy feel to it.
So far leveling is taking a while but is fun, its not a good idea to pick up a ton of quests and go to a new place as you just end up filling up your quest log lol :-), I find finishing them off the hard bit and end up having to go back to places often but its all area to farm from A to B at the end of the day.
The AH hasn't been treating me to badly, Everything I post sells and I havent been aiming to high with my prices yet, I have well over 500s now, woooh might even get 1g some time, ROFL,
But yeah I have been wondering just how much AH manipulation you can do and it not be considered a bandable/suspendable offense as some poeple have been postinh stuff for stupidly low prices and I am tempted to buy it all up and repost it.
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