Above: Recently dinged in North Downs.
I seem to level allot faster if thats what I focus on instead of grinding and farming but it's hard not to farm as thats what I did so much of in WoW.
On the light side of that I now have over 3 gold.

Above: 3 gold, 222 silver and 75 the current troggle balance
So when I do finally get to level 35 I will definately have enough for my mount.
While rooming about leveling in North Downs I noticed a particular mob that looked familiar and it was the Orc in the starting cut sequence albeit toned down of course to be less polygons and a strain on the video card.

Above: The ingame model of the orc from the starting cut sequence.
I managed to do another few The Great Barrows run's as well, one of them being terrible with nuubs that would just rolled need on everything, well I made a list of the people that like to be greedy lol and will make sure not to play with them again.
LOL one player who I won't name got kicked from our last group by the leader thank gawd for rolling need on everything, he later appologised to someone saying his greed button didnt work (yeah right! what a @#$ @#$@#%@$ @#$@#$!).
That run was interesting as we had no healer but a ton of DPS and I pointed out we could heal the group by hitting the green buttons during Fellowship Manuavers which worked extremely well.

Above: Sneaking about in the ruins at the very southern tip of the Barrow Downs.
And again, I have to give lip service to how pretty this game is....

Above: I thought this was a nice idealic shot while farming.
I am starting to use my burglar abilities a bit more and got the hang of Starting Twist to get in more Surprise Strike's and increasing damage with Reveal Weakness which can used while Sneaking and does not put you into combat.
Well back to the North Downs downs for some more questing and leveling
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