So at long last I have made it to Level 30.

Above: Recently dinged to level 30, thanks to the dead goblin at my feet!
It's taken a while as I haven't really been playing to much, found it quite hard finding the right areas to level and generally prefer to solo level as building groups is annoying and some people in this game dont play well with others which can be disappointing.
Kinship only groups always rock though! /hug Anzac, a nice bunch of people to hang out with that's for sure! :-)

Above: Scrapping out a large humanoid in North Downs.
And I have finally found Rivendell which took some effort sneaking about and running away from nasties screaming "Save Me!" as the zone is more than several levels above me.

Above: Wondering about in Rivendell.
And once again the game is just a pleasure to behold, the place just looks stunning and oozing fantasy atmosphere.

Above: Rivendell during the daytime
So hats off to the LOTRO designers and developers! Well done guys!

Above: Another shoot from Rivendell.
Also managed to finally start mining Dwarf-Iron Ore which is exceptionally profitable and I now have well over 8 gold but the only draw back is that I can't kill anything in the zones I can farm it in yet.

Above: An example of a nasty Troll worth staying away from for a few levels yet!
Kind of wondering if I may have to set a new Mile Stone soon and finally move out of Bree.

Above: Running round the Bree streets IO! IO! IO! :-P :-)
Well now that I am level 30 I have only 5 more levels to go till 35 and finally I can get a mount, feel quite a bit more motivated now I am level 30 at long last.
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